Keyring integration

The Dropbox authentication token will be saved in your system’s keyring where available.

Maestral will work with the following keyrings, in order of preference:

  • macOS Keychain
  • Keyrings implementing the Secret Service D-Bus interface (Gnome Keyring, KWallet, KeePassXC and others)
  • KWallet directly
  • Plain text storage

The best keyring will be chosen when linking to an account and will be used until unlinked.

Note that keyrings advertised over D-Bus require a running D-Bus session which may not be available on headless sessions. If such a D-Bus service is not available or the user does not unlock the keyring, Maestral will fall back to storing the token in a plain text file at ~/.local/share/python_keyring/keyring_pass.cfg when linking. This will only be secure if the home folder is encrypted.

Please also note that while macOS limits access to a Keychain item only to the application that created it, most Linux keyrings can only be unlocked for all applications or none at all.